01 Jun A Loose Bridge Needs Timely Treatment and Resolution
Your dentists installed your bridge by cementing it securely onto two abutments. In most cases, a bridge will stay secured for many years. However, there are rare occasions when a blow to the face or a hard fall can compromise the integrity of the cement. It’s also possible that pervasive bacteria from gum disease could gradually work into the seam between the bridge and abutment near the gumline.
If any part of your bridge feels loose, has an unnatural wiggle or gives you pain when chewing, you should not ignore it. It’s best to contact Bull City Dental at your earliest convenience so the dentists can assess the situation.
Even a small amount of manipulation from a loose bridge can cause damage to the abutment inside. You should never try cleaning or playing with the loosened bridge. If you have blood or debris in your mouth from an accident, you can rinse them away with lukewarm saltwater. All cleaning procedures should be left to our team.
If pervasive bacteria at the gum line have caused a minor failure in the cement, Dr. Palmer and Dr. Durham might be able to cement it back in place. If an abutment has been damaged, it might require more invasive treatment.
If your bridge in Durham, North Carolina, feels loose, wiggles or gives you pain when chewing, you should not hesitate to call Bull City Dental at 919-680-3531 to seek immediate treatment.